Photos: Inside the State Dinner

Recently, President Obama and the First Lady are hosting French President Hollande for a state dinner — concluding the first state visit by a French president in nearly 20 years.

 White House Chef Cris Comerford and Pastry Chef Bill Yosses took over the White House Instagram to give you a look behind the scenes — and inside the kitchen.
whiwhi1whi2Text and Pictures courtesy: The White House

About shanthanubh

A calcutta(India)based Independent newsresearcher and Investigative reporter.He has been working as a journalist for more than 15 years.He had worked as a news researcher for various news based programs in Calcutta.Shanthanu considers Deborah Potter and Theressha Collington Moore as his mentor because in his early days of journalism carrier, he was inspired and motivited by their works and learnt a lot from them about media ethics and news research.Though,a news researcher don't get enough credit for his job,he sticks to it.He believes that as journalists we should follow the jounalism mantra that if your mother says she loves you, check it out.we work as a store clerk.we believe that facts are more important than adjectives.Earlier,he also worked as a private investigator to brush up his skill as an Investigative Reporter.

Posted on February 17, 2014, in Digital News Research and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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